Saturday, March 12, 2016

damn u

Damn u for what u do to me.
Jus unwindin the pendin moments.
Here i go slippin beneath the surface.
Opened by the touch of silence.
I'm fallin as if ur eyes were the horizon.
Landin on the edge of the beginnin of night.
Last man standin, big man is goin down.
N ur not a fair breath leavin as sighs.
Exposin the under layer an emotional lip.
Where flavor is tasted in compressions'.
Ur not makin it easy to hold u off.
But oh the sweet feel of temptation.
Damn u for exploitin my tender tone.
My human gentleness that craves real luv.
Untamed by the pain prior to ur relevance.
Ur appearence is felt with a slight tug.
Pullin me through the idiotic independence.
U don't play nice the way u invade my life.
Unwillin to take no for an answer.
As intent gives motions the notion of truth.
Like a judge with a verdict droppin the hammer.
N it's the way u come for my hearts ease.
Jus wantin me to untie my restraints.
Free myself from the strings that hang me up.
As I'm believin this world doesn't need to see me refrained.
Leakin is ur words that softly grasp my attention.
Damn u for volunteerin yourself for my cause.
U have me thinkin of the possibilities that may come.
N I'm vulnerable to the episode that began with a pause.
From the second i saw ur face turn to me that hasn't turned away.
Starin me down as if I'm that bubble in ur boil.
Helpin me hold on to my dignity.
U make the man in me go unspoiled...

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