Played out lies told with disregard aimed at ears listening to the tone of false truths.
Through the stir of emotions comes the refusal to hear deliberate silence of use.
Here comes forth the evidence popping the heads confusion clarified overdue.
Tired of lips loop blowing smoke snuffing out a kinder side of a mans rejected proof.
Done with doe's unreliable reason to feed a twist leaving trails of helpful clues.
Walking on the shores shallow enough to follow footprints into the minds unknown tome.
Repeating the rotation of luv as faces change smothered by the infiltration of turning blue.
Dead ends running outta real estate unable to believe character delivering anything new.
Patterns relate as those before lost to the facts of life shared is a common ground that soothes.
Intent on an agenda telling tales of fantasies dreamt as a reality fades in eyes cut loose.
Putting the breaks on the morning to return in this misfortunate event again so fuckin through.
Who needs to relive the removal of passion armed to find flaws stuck in the mind like glue.
Honesty is best kept if words are as real as movement strolling along kissing slobber true.
Tied down to yet another commotion spewing betrayal in neutral memories to a graveyards tome.
Off to begin life on a road winding up in arms just the same whispering as if a gun that shoots.
Going back to play catchup to who one was prior to fake friends in relations pretending woos.
Fighting of the urge to tap passion with a crack as the lid releases the ease drank by booze.
A mummified secret laughing at lashes taken from syllables quiets the thrill of the cue.
Bobbing a weave wears the facials waste of being disguised by the smell of purity to pew.
Replacing the leeches reach with empty hugs set aside to drift in times unguided move.
The taste of tongues remains to remind in a rewind of others offering half stepping attempts to...
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