Sunday, March 3, 2019

To be...

To be under the influence of enjoyments as eyes have not witnessed a friend... Yet to have the pleasure in the presence as emotion extends... Catering to the priceless expressions upon luv's display reaching for hope... There's no other touch to secure playfulness felt when pressed to the fingers drifting into a sense of home... Claimed by a uniqueness that feeds desires that must have the pleasure sought out... Felt as a luv'r that connects to the comfort loosening the thrill to speak out loud... Being beneath the presence enjoyed as a pair to obtain the joys to come of life... As simplaified likes realize eyes tell truths of what's on the mind... To be thought about as individuals willing to decide what emotion truly exists in between two hearts wanting to play... It be nice to admire a stare that cannot get enough of the flickering flame...

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