over emotional beasts ruin good things as drama follows features changing motions...
the veer is jus to do away with the chaos for a more sound piece of mind worth the devotion...
people want more than expectations are willing to give so easily n frustrate situations...
leading to the fire once atop a candle that spreads wild n outta control for a different sensation...
as falling isn't as smooth as words detailed that cannot explain to the lack of mental separations...
leaving the memory of luv to be too much due to the teeter of instabilities recreation...
coming to the breaking point of relations held for ransom as likes drift from tenderized sensations...
crippling the will to remain in a friendship spoiled to a selfish need of a standing ovation...
ends come too soon when the balance isn't a factor to play with levels based on the foundation...
creating outbursts so immature life gets irritated with terms that affect free wills formation...
willing to stand in a solo stance to dismiss the pain of over emotionalizing fixations...
restrained to feel or else as tongues seek havoc on the individuality's recreation...
demands fail once the shallows reaches for a friend rushing the shores of the heart's determination...
swallowed by the tide overflowing to drown out reasons to continue the fiasco's destruction...
oblivious is hidden intent to own depths running for shelter so bliss doesn't feel the mutation...
done with the excessive drive to dig into the pits twisted to wear the silhouettes rotation...
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