Thursday, March 14, 2019

from, to...

from ashes being joined once the end comes to call... to be together for as long as the remains can outlast life... there's the fact that the final stage comes to soon... sitting with the rearrangement in the silence of an empty room... from the findings of what the heart has longed to feel... to losing more than a friend as self turns inward looking for something real... as the transformation takes control of thoughts wanting to escape... the remembrance of words listen to lies that broke the expressions upon the face... from being so close to having a wedge pry the connection loose... the difference in the way passion moves relates to depths that go unused... always thinking of what the fuck went wrong when clinches held luv so right... having to let go of the dreams shared jus isn't the outcome of sighs... from the laying of bodies as comfort digs into reason to even fuck with them... something felt has no motion in the system... memories found new visions to last beyond the tongues flick that never meant shit... created sound is nothing more than hidden intent tasted upon the delivery of lips... pressed to deceive the devotion of a lifetime promised to a friend... jus to awaken one day once it's all said n done to not needing to pretend... from a stranger to a joy back to someone we do not know... home becomes a fairytale when truths come from the secrets of a foe...

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