Thursday, March 28, 2019

single asf...

i couldn't find u... want fell through... so ur gonna havta accept the fact that i got tired of waiting around... to air i was bound... i have shit to do... digging into my own groove... fed up is what i got as there was life to be lived... chuckles in ribs... n memories to make for myself that no one can take away... unafraid... jus know i'm single asf... off in my own world with the tongue on hush... with two birds flapping high... stretched out to fly... letting u see u can be my number two... laughing at woo's... bcuz i am the one to luv myself most... never to leave me in any conditions bcuz i with me am close... yeah, i said fuck the dumb n got on with who i am... loosenig grips was inevitable for me to regain my stance... u weren't there when the decision was to be made... n i ain't sorry for a fuckin thing... i like the way things are goin so u can't be missed... i forgot the feelings of the pressing of lips... n i'd havta know who u are as i don't feel the need to look... i'm doing so good... i don't wanna get it wrong again n think someone else is u... another cloud gone poof... fuck all that... i'll pass... i got better things to enjoy than to waste more time on the wonder of luv... in my words, trust... i jus wanna be liked so a friend can be seen... i luv'd it when i was finally able to breathe... as real as it gets, u may not even exist... as it's slim to know the older we live... so why even feed the thought the silliness of hope.?. when the hurry isn't gonna rush... there is no nudging emotion in the heart to go unused... hanged from a noose... my sense was found back when i realized i wasn't living for me... craving an unrealistic dream... n ever since i lost interest in voices calling out to my name... i stated to find comfort in my own face... as others pretend to wanna be ur double for they could never pull of the mimic before my eyes... free... single... chosen is a more stable mindset to mingle... n i luv the state in which i can be me... a thing... guess i wanted it as bad as u did... removing the notion of having patience on what was wished... so fuck me too... ur better off doin u... place me back in the crowd so i can blend on in... to feel my grin... u see, i drifted for some time until years got away from me n i found myself not needing u... so poof.!. i gained a more calm piece of mind... i seen the light... falling to the ease the loss was to keep on telling myself u were coming soon... as worth sprouted into full bloom... i called a truce so everyday could embrace me... to keep on geting on so i too could dismiss the treat... as i awakened to a smile unaffected by dwelling on what i couldn't touch... it was jus another lust...

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