Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Bloody arrow...

Nice shot... That went through my heart... Sunk in so deep it found itself on the other side without a care to turn around... Landing in someone else's emotions... How profound... But it was dead on as the texture was torn... I felt it... N the ouchie made me cry knowing u ain't worth shit... Losing true form as scars carved ur face... The hole dripped once the splatter made a need of things... Drained... As the ache felt as if life would never be the same... On the insertion the ripped it's way with the gore... Dangerously shooting arrows with a line hooked to an anchor to u... Pulling me closer as laughs lied as remains were left on the floor...
Why me i never got u ask but it's ok u felt the need to continue with the motion it took to exit out the back... Straight through the puncture leaving a tunnel for jus for u... moving to fast for me to grab the spear that shook my inner grasps...  Damn near as if u were cupid playing a sick n twisted lil game... Yet u were nothing more than jua an other dame... On ur way u went on a spiral launched at my desires that engulfed the blow... u never meant to luv me the way words tricked passions into believing in the arrowhead that slit a wound for ur intentions to invade the way i a sit alone... Leaking until i dripped all the foolishness away... I lost hope... Gave in the way the healing did me some good... i got hooked... Addicted to the poison in ur tone... Roamed for years before i realized u weren't my friend... Accepting the end of what was supposed to be the greatest thing we've every held close... Knowing anywhere u are will never be considered home...

One crossbow released the pressure that captured my worth... As mid evil as the chest could be penetrated... The backend hurt the most... Feeling ur feathers loosen me to unexpected circumstances that become outdated... 

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