Sunday, March 17, 2019

have a seat...

sit on down n ease on up... get comfy with me n not give a fuck... we have a fire n we have some drinks... all that's needed ia a mood that will not leave... the music is on random for versatility to loosen the vibe... as bodies can feel each other with a convo worth the night... jus two friends finding where the life goes come mornings moans... sit with me n come out as u are wrapped up in us within the mood... i ain't afraid to relate to an evening where candles bring life to the room... sitting back to confirm life has a friend to involve in the memories is things go well... likes will be known come the truth that pours when the lights dim for a more reasonable tongue without the spells... sit as close as u feel the lean pause... make known through ur delivery of details flawed... it's ok to come on out n be see for it's the only way we're gonna know... hang out n take ur shoes of for a bit n chill with me n put down the phone... unless u want a few pics to remember the way we are... settle in n drift with me as minds decide to open the heart...

1 comment:

Butch76 said...

Oooh... What's the grand prize.?.