Saturday, January 5, 2019

in the gray area...

sitting with hushed lips that remain still... taking a moment to witness what intrigues the thrill... coming into a level mind of what there is to slow down progress to do more than visualize the good n the uh oh's... gathering the conflicting thoughts on the loose... wrapping interests with empty palms in a quiet room... listening to the meaning of life whispers through the thick of the skulls stubborn mood... admitting everything isn't known due to the seclusion of figuring out if relations are worth the time spent... answers from within are deep beneath the texture felt as reasons are lent... asking, can self live with or without a presence that scatters throughout the mind... feeling the affect fuse a moment to ease back n take in what's reflected into the eyes... hoping to rid the lingering questions of curiosities carried in a confused state of unknown.... inward on the seek is to bring forth the deciding vote of comfort willing to live n grow... to have or release what's been noticed as an issue that strikes fear in the hearts walls... felt as a slit from the outside the whoa settles in to reality before emotions continue to fall... thinking wtf was that n where did it come from... unprovoked yet blurting n acting out unable to control being alone... stirring the motion of warning signs in a kettle to create a potion try to overcome the surprise or dismiss the offer to rally back... choices needing a serious friend to collaborate without words as the mirror is the truth accepting the facts... to go with the deciding vote of what is it self must do to maintain the joy found riding solo if someone were to be allowed beyond the invisible borders... conscious n alert while getting the feel of an other clinging to the skin as passion never responds to the flip of a quarter... taken into consideration is the sound of what's about to become of life that refuses to pause... careful not to disrupt the flow of enjoyment is a real task that must not rely on overthinking flaws...

1 comment:

yoliks said...

Think with your head on top of ur neck, not the one in ur pants and you will be fine.