Saturday, January 26, 2019

out n about as us...

lets plan a night out n get ready to have some fun...
jus break away from the norm n tap back into the feel of being in luv...
u can ask if u look alright as i will not lie...
knowing damn well u can pull off about any look in my mind...
i wanna do something where there's not so many people in the way...
that way u n i can enjoy a night together for the memory to misbehave...
i'd luv to see u smile n enjoy us in motion living life...
side by side winging it to go with the feel of forgetting time...
damn, the way u look when u try to look ur best is unreal...
i'll play some music to enhance to mood for we know we are real...
showing this world something to envy without even at it even once...
n to hear ur chuckle in the middle of preparations is too cute not luv...
it's the joy u bring to getting it in that creates the rush...
to join in on what there is to do after hrs no matter the scene...
shit, we could jus go for a drive n a walk until morning if that's ur dream...
as long as it's u n i letting loose from behind these civil walls...
the pleasure would be felt both ways as our hearts fall further to its call...
alive n living with the knowing that it's us til the end...
unafraid to do things so we do not become stale as friends...
it's a matter of keeping this thing between us up n at em...
fearless due to who we are is the thought gathered through actions as we run...
gone into the deepest depths of darkness waiting on daylight...
held in arms watching to sun show itself upon the horizon as a spotlight...
shedding rays upon our face ready to go back home n crash...
lets do something that wakes up the excitement somewhere away from here...
jus the two of us capturing the meaning of relations even if it's jus being weird...

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