Friday, January 18, 2019

it's a people thing...

some live on the legal side pointing fingers at the others fighting the system... thinking they're better somehow jus bcuz they go along with rules said to be law... as the lower end of society in the middle of poverty lacks the mental understanding of how the guidelines are for everyone to accept n adapt the flow of the world... rebelling over culture or levels of classification in which creates the hate of differences through racial interaction they do not witness as a flaw... people cater to the selfish behavior the same way the system is of commerce wit no real morals involved for profit is the topic of discussion... all a part of the same way of life with a choice to oppose or or accept the admiralty law of the sea to play some sort of god... on the higher pay scales individuals become ugly n inhumane by judgement for someone needs to fill the cracks of the ghettos... causing the poor to resent them yet not take the initiative to overcome what one is born into n claim for future generations a more comfortable lifestyle away from the struggle as it seems fair to say, odd... mindsets have been taught by not only the government but by those who've abandoned the reason to do for self or others who feed on the ignorant to survive... even the media tells the youth who haven't thought for themselves what the mass is supposed to be... as the paper trail grows by giving money to the rich through commercialized holidays that were began with the sliver of the tongues lies... n the population believes there's something wrong but refuse to dig in n find the truths so their own minds can be freed... n no ones allowed to be themselves due to ancient standards that control the world like religious beliefs that have shed more blood than any other organized establishment could ever do... it's twisted to think the wars are over terrorists when it's the u.s. military that's under contract to destroy countries who oppose the banking system for it needs supreme rule... n for the few that see it we're called names n belittled the same way they've been designed to protect the same nonsense that keeps them enslaved through financial gains by theft of taxation... seems the ones who's with it become loners in their own watching this display to ruin humanity like nit witted fools... hating the differences that make us as beautiful as each morning sky that changes never to repeat the exact visual... insane is what the final conclusion states by everyone allowing the control to move their so called free lives the do not matter... their jus entities on paper made to mimic real flesh n blood as if an account made for us all to live dept free is who we are... we've been manipulated by the districts that teach us from a young age to obey the chain of command to work up the ladder... feeding the same disruption that divides the people in many ways looking at one an other to be the problem at hand... there's no accountability bcuz a man made god took the trust n allowed minds to manipulate free will to be... we are what's wrong here as our own destruction is said to be a profit that proves the point of no one stands accused of their own actions... so i stay to myself n reason with those who can relate a step aside from the materialistic things put before us to earn that lose value once the purchase is over priced n retrieved...

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