Wednesday, January 16, 2019

one time...

one time... never to be the same...
absent like the space in between the lines gone without being obtained...
one time... the chance to create life to be...
to feel palms in gropes felt in the heart of jus enough to think...
one time... as once is all that's needed...
enjoying the sounds of laughter ricocheting off walls as the repeat of redid...
one time... a willingness to evolve n live...
opened to a worlds possibilities to accept change in ways lessons give...
one time... caught up in what is on a daily...
desiring a phase that does more than sticks to the mindset not jus as of lately...
one time... loosened to become a movement...
to go for the feels that make up the mind in moments rectifying defiant...
one time... gaining self as a friend...
believing in the truce that settles the peace within differences lent...
one time... for the findings to reach...
coming to life away from mirrors that pull on the twist of pleads...
one time... grips the understanding in eyes...
watching motion swing bodies in place from time to time...
one time... allows the breathing to sigh...
resulting in pain caused by luv to reflect the reason of the hearts design...
one time... taking the stroll so self knows...
able to look back with a smile to recollect  a version that chances growth...
one time... before the end result...
wanting the thrill to continue so memories aren't jus a mental pause...
one time... that's all it takes to heal...
to be intrigued of how there's phases the define what there is about us that is real...

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