Wednesday, January 9, 2019

intellectually checked...

lending the heart is never half stepped when watching actions within consideration that are in motion to inspect... wanting the best for the interest to speak truths from lips so enemy lines aren't crossed instead... faces spin on the move shaping an image of a friend that changes the feel in the chest as luv is careful to invest... cautious to the point eyes are never wet due to the realness of not needing a test... useless is the pain for worth never hurts unless differences show which have a chance to correct flaws within reason non the less... opening to the allowance to caress the emotion through the minds thoughts gaining what at one point fled... a piece of comfort to add to what's met in the middle of not only the bed but the realism of a friend... calling truce to all goofiness that destroys any hope of happiness... letting touch so smooth feel the surface without the cockiness of shenanigans that carry sloppiness... hesitant is not an option to guess for the knowing of fingers that are meant to finesse someone who could never be a guest... unable to pose a threat to passions laughter is the rare one that goes uncontested as more than words confess the request to break free from restraints to live with the knocking of the headrest... expressed n willingness drying tears impressed with the way acceptance reasons with progress...affected in the right way where effects show facial recognition of respect to connect with who self finds simply imperfectly perfect...

1 comment:

yoliks said...

❤️ they jus keep getting better.