Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Have no fear...

When it feels so good it scares u... N the opening finds a gapping whole so vulnerable emotion leans in to be used... The feeling in it's own that crawls with a linger is not to be feared... It's the rescue of the abandonment of desires put on hold that cater to the cheer... In a transition from solo to falling beneath the surface to take a swim splashing around in the makings of luv... Finding the moisture in the eyes are a relief as the beginning of good times to come... When it sneaks up n whispers names in the dark... As if the walls talk the the depths of the heart... Caressed in ways the skin creates sighs exhaled for the thrill of the motion... When the mind joins in on the fun is when being afraid isn't an option to claim devotion... Real comfort from an independent being wanting to collaborate on life... The passion alone jus wanted to come alive n live again before the notion passes by... Leaving the horrified thoughts of past moments for where they ended for once... Goin the ability to trust again so breaths can flow with the rush... When all that's needed is a wave interest to get things moving in the right direction... Two find reason in giving the long lost affection...

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