Saturday, December 19, 2020

f bombs...

open up for what? so someone can claim they feel in luv? where in the fuck is that gonna get me? other than off in the corner calming my daydreams. especially no one knows what a friend is anymore. as they pretend to be so much fuckin more. so why would i hand over the keys to my heart? just for another imposter to leave their fuckin mark. fuck that i ain't got it in me the way others don't wanna take their time. it's just lie after lie after lie. n u always wonder why it fuckin hurts. it's bcuz everyone refuses to see another's worth. i have no emotion waiting to be fuckin provoked. people can just leave me the fuck alone. very fuckin few have it in the to do more than play the fuckin part. n i don't believe in n i fake azz fuckin charm. real is real n that's all i fuckin understand. f bomb f bomb fuck shit damn.

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