Thursday, December 10, 2020

at the beginning...

back to the drawing board without a visual in my mind. waiting on something to come along i can diddle to life. creating an image as it moves waves crashing the shores of my heart. as i watch it waltz with a sway for me to capture it as a work of art. with a clean slate to open up to a new sense of different i'm coming from within. seeking a sight to shape a silhouette lost prior to self growing into true grins. i returned to the basics to reinvent fundamentals so emotion can relate to the thoughts gathered. for i wanna live for once so i too to someone else matter. as i stand alone at the beginning of what's to come in memories shared. with a patience that doesn't need to rush relations process because i'm just lookin to care. retreating inward to a paradise that gave comfort to the evolution of who i was to become brought me here. loosened to the feel of possibilities of choosing who to involve n mingle within the getting over the imaginary lines that create an anxiety through fear. open minded truths dug into the bag n pulled out details to face one at a time. emptying the sack so no baggage was to turn another's joy into a short lived hype. so to the walls lips spat conversation as if the could talk back. n as the door swung to release me i felt i didn't have a past. just vague occurrences that mean nothing to where i'm to wind up. somewhere in arms wrapped in an embrace creating a home for luv.

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