Wednesday, October 16, 2019

keeping to self...

drifting from emotions eased back and waiting for whatever... giving into a more mental state of mind so sanity n self can stay together... going on a i don't give a fuck mentality where relations jus aren't needed to live... feeling only the chase of money that keeps the balance of life without skips... able to reason with the heart settled into a more relaxing comfort made for sighs... resisting the complexity of hope rushing the scene of luv at the drop of a dime... knowing the pointless emergence of now is only a fool lingering with the hype... as soundless nights are silent with peace n quiet far from the chaos of mingling with expectations... the thought of being figuratively owned does not appeal to a smile worth self's obligation... for residing without a body laid close is a matter of choice for the pieces to stay intact... there's nothing like losing it all jus for a chance at best always moves to fuckin fast...

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