Sunday, October 20, 2019

i'm no one...

so u wanna know of how it is i feel... from old to new n in which way my heart sheds a peel... as my mind is a mystery to ur curiosity in where it'll wind up... do u wanna also hear the truth or jus a familiar story of hopeful luv.?. i can spit whatever it is u believe it is i already am to u... feeding u lines of empty use that drifts from the details that hide when i move... scared to be touched for friends ain't a thing i wish to be... i've already lost the best feeling that i'm so fuckin glad has set me free... done is my mindset when it comes to the silliness of relations settling on someone actually liking who it is within... i jus need to get on with life n fade into a different way to live... on my own without the clinging of someone everywhere i wanna go... asking watcha doin to where ya at bcuz it's no ones business if i don't feel shit but the chill of depths turned cold... i like it n i intend to find a piece of mind in my own... staying to self without the chaos of another twisting me against myself due to i don't meet expectations as i want my own home... loosened to the comfort of doin whatever it is i choose... not having to check in as if i have one of those masters to lose... it's birds n i will not apologize for wanting the peace n quiet for once... so please do not disturb me with babbling lips digging in to depths that's been hushed... my bed isn't lonely the way u reach for a body in the middle of the night... the coolness helps me sleep when i toss for a few going through shit in my mind... n no u cannot change the lack of passion wasting away... it's over rated as there is no pain here worth the stay... as i'll jus be under ur magnifying thoughts picking me apart... being felt isn't shit to me if u must know the honesty speaking facts so harsh... i like u but that's as close as you'll ever get for i do not have a belief in anything more... blinks last longer than memories made that one tries to forget as fragments from usefulness are torn... n words are what people perceive them to be in their own heads... if i was truthful i'd tell u u don't wanna mingle with the distance between u n i... n i'll sound broken even though i'm not so i'll give it to u the way u demand why's... fr i have a right to dismiss myself from attachments that do not interest me in any way other than a sexual imposition here n there... jus don't think if u come or if u go that i'll ever care... nothing was meant to last n folks jus aren't who we were told they so called appear to be when eyes witness the differences in version when acted out... or would u rather jus stare at me as i sit still n not ever make a sound... that way u can dream of how ur the one to capture n tame the beast that walks with a purpose to remain sane... to become a fairy tale awaiting the day u reshape ur smile claiming u lost the desire u had once upon a time ago refusing to say my name... with a wicked tongue i truly pause jus in case u temp yourself to dive in without a floaty device... sssh, there will be no surprise... consider me dead inside as it's ok to do u... mute my voice prior to ever getting to the frustrations you'll possess when we're not in the mood of being nude...

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