Thursday, October 17, 2019

Empty n hollow...

Trying to remember who one once was before the heart took a dive... It seems there's nothing to be felt as one jus wants to feel alive... When thoughts caused anxiety to stir up fear within laying in bed.  Afraid of change as anything new is disowned I the middle of the head... Splitting rain into two jus to go with what coukd never hurt... Knowing it is self that's been lost in the rambling of words... Running away from nights like the memory onmy fades cone mornings shine... Unable to enjoy the precious purpose that creates priceless moments making a life... Wondering what happened to luv as the texture was released from within... The smile jus isn't the same when used as is situational to when it chooses to awaken with grins... Falling back into solitude due to the the mind weights pros tgat cannot compete with the cons eventual remains... It's difficult to face who one has become as an enmity vessel wandering without a flame... Waiting for the ignition to catch a spark loses fuel along the way somehow... In the transformation of evolving into a stranger never to be found... Inside there is no pain but a hollow presence tgat cannot find what it'll take to refill passions thrill tears been damned... As trust is a mental game of do it alone so everything will play out as planned... The remembrance is a blur n jus outta reach with pieces scattered about... Dying to believe one can get back to the soothe misplaced in the chests pound...

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