Wednesday, October 23, 2019

corrupt dreams...

stuck in a dream is a thought... one where i'm reaching for the top as i pause... drifting on an emotion that ur not there... as if i don't understand why it seems unfair... to rise without u by my side... fuckin me up deep within my comatose mind... i feel u n ur nowhere around... lost to the undertaking of images that come when words are bound... as ur smile digs at me for my life is no longer the same... with one hand behind me waiting for u to grab a hold ur claim... knowing u will not appear depths begin to ache with the silence that cannot be heard... it's jus me in another nightmare where reality is blurred... buried in my subconscious is u n i living it up... yet waiting on u on the other side disturbs the awakening hushed... as my eyes water with how u linger in ur absence nowhere to be found... my guess is i meant what a said when i told u i had who it is i craved to luv as my heart pounds... lifting my head from the pillow trying to shake off the memory that promised u were the one... now haunting me without warning even though i've moved on so far from done... i'v dreampt of how passion cried standing along attempting to forget ur face... as i enter a new phase where the solitude plays its games... every time i lay me down to rest n fall into a different world i cannot escape... crossing over from the hard times to something more enjoyable there's a clarity of fate... as i believe u were not supposed to follow me even though i truly wanted u to... once upon a time ago keeps coming to me in the dark when my imagination rips loose... all bcuz i haven't accepted someone else to fade away with me... to become the irreplaceable desire i seek in my corrupt dreams...

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