Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The undead twist of forever...

What to do when ones fucked their dreams.?. Fell in luv n touched lonely screams... Awakening to paradise resting in sights... Just to remember how words used to express life... Having happines switch hitters when the heart felt the end... Held in hands so soft the squeeze showed true depths of a friend... As the mind eased in ways luv consumed emotions worth... When after knowing no one else will fill comforts that hurt... Feeling lost with others wanting to close in on empty space... Unable to replace raw beauty that's suffered n damn near is all but gone but an embedded face... Realizing the definition of heartless swinging from the blindside... Landing as a counter punch one never would've thought would ever take flight... How does one follow the ultimate passion taunting the smile in a dare.?. As if voices carrying tones jus does not quite sound fair... When leaving a thrill to die somewhere attempting to forget... Fighting memories of hope that no ones else tries to enter the hidden fortress... Reaching for sacred thoughts cut short of a lifetime cut from desires holding on... Who does one become in the aftermath that creates fear as the damnation mourns... More in tuned with the silence than a physical presense for the dead motion within resists recreate the chaos... When self has been a victom of pure use paused... Stuck in between someone who had it all n being afraid ti come back to life... Reminded by a stranger that the one will not be coming along... Fueling the struggle to allow another in beneath the skin for it feels so fuckin wrong... When arms wrapped around the only thing that ever existed as tge answer... What in the fuck is to come of the dead end that transformed willingness into refusals that give excuses that pour.?. Believing in nothing will be so sweet... Scared of how kisses breathe... Wandering in the dark tasting skin freshened up for an occassion that will not last... Wondering why is it so hard to imagine anything else that what one once had... Taking away from the precious details to find happiness whether it be here or there... When solo makes more sense than becoming yet another fading pair...

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