Sunday, July 7, 2019

slow ur role...

are u gonna be ok with me taking my time.?. side stepping emotion to enjoy a lil piece of mind... with a friendly gesture jus wanting to get along... turning away from any attempt to to dig beyond a pause... with a no emotion policy that is enforced as a way of life... being off limits for personal reason due to we jus don't know one another... i ain't giving in so easily like like so many others... so if u cannot understand it isn't a free ride we're gonna havta part ways... jus because of the comprehension factor of a friendship must take place... considering the situation once relations feels the need to change people in the makings of luv... i'd rather be liked than rush the expressions leaping from lips n such... it jus won't happen for i'll be damned if the sliver of lusts  are allowed to take what they want... corrupting the mindset for a cheap thrill that don't have the patience to earn the keeps of trust...
as there's no chance of an over night miracle to weasel its way past the front door... n u are not an exception to the rules applied for comfort to settle the nerve lured... slow is the chosen extent of passion ever surfacing... anything else is a waste of life as the fire parked by pleasure is always smothering... causing confusion on levels that are immature to say the least... claiming desires are promising the never ending occurrence set fit for destruction's greed... with a gimme attitude of now or never u can miss me with... i'm in no dyer desperation to fondle the stoke of lonely lips... that angle gets no one anywhere faking to collaborate with selfish intent... forcing issues upon the peace n quiet with an abruption that eventually becomes hesitant... are we on the same page to hanging out for a while as moments can decipher the mood.?. so the defined realization can speak with actions living loose...