Wednesday, July 31, 2019

into the new...

Reflecting on the past becomes old once the heart feels a need to truly move on... as peeking stares into what was jus isn't an attractive attribute to be consumed... healed emotion linger to find peace within so self no longer feels torn... believing waiting around for some sort of miracle jus isn't a necessity for claim a truce... life itself needs not the prior banishment of failed attempts to maintain who is to be... as being lost is a weakness of the mind's thought process that retracts interest from living... caught up in someone else when enjoyments are avoided to remain free... sitting behind closed doors afraid to contribute to memories made without a so called friend that stopped giving... leaving the curiosity's to continue their wonders of why's... thinking wtf most of the time as nothing ever makes smiles cling to the face... n it ain't until worth wakes up n defines a purpose so a groove can get on with life... released by the chains holding on to what ifs as if the forgotten thrills let go long enough to remind desires what its like to play... tempting a new thrill to be to resemble the luv within that has gone unseen for some time... creating a balance that somehow overcomes what was n evolves as what will be... losing on life to gain another in a better sense of joy that comes long of a wait... truly living in the back at life phase to enjoy a bit of worth outside of those ongoing daydreams...

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