Say something that touches me... maybe I need to hear a friend speak... telling of hidden thoughts that give life... release upon me of all the things on your mind... I'm at a loss of words that seem to go astray... say something n fuckin relate... I'm tired of having the only voice trying to talk... I wanna listen for a while n ease into a pause... make a sound that comforts me for a change... to hear someone else's grammer would help the experssions upon my face... jus a few lines would help... it'll come to you as your tongue flips what's dealt... find me through your version of opening up... you can even if you must, babble on about luv... anything will do... jus don't for some reason go mute... afraid to choose spoken creativity to deliver self... unheard intent can't reach for what could be felt... hidden in tones that touch me intrigued to know more... my ears are yours to gab at until you've emptied your core... jus be real n I'll be as silent as the night... taking in consideration your angle willing to capture the spptlight... your secrets are safe with me... jus don't first to breathe... there's no rush to get it out... I can't find you if you can't be found... so take your time n whispers me a thong or two... I'll intetested in the way your vibe moves...
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