Saturday, July 20, 2019

it's u i seek...

it's u i want as the crave is unreal... lost in a sense of living without u is not an option to feel... i want the emotion u refuse to give to others... for i am more than the basic necessities of a luv'r... to touch u would bring so much joy to my heart... n seeing u everyday could be the beginnings of a never ending start... it's u i've daydreamed about... the reason my words went without sound... hear me speak of true intent jus wanting u in my life... in a way every depth reached within shall never hid... untwist my mind of the wonders it took to find u on ur own... waiting to adjust to who it is that completes hopes... as i come to u with a piece of mind drifting without u... it's u that has awoken the greatest expression that's ever touched worth... as i find myself mesmerized by the shape of ur unforgettable smirk... so to reach for ur hand alone is a desire held close to my own life... u are the missing presence that creates a feel of truly being alive... stripping my shield with ease... as my eyes cannot get enough of the way ur sights move towards me...
taking an observation to calculate what it is u like... only if u knew what i'd do to get to know what it is i could possibly find... tucked within ur secrets until someone real appears... lil do u know i crave to day ur walls collapses n u see me as a reason to dismiss fears... yes, it's u who has the untold use of my hearts calling... ur hands alone could easily unwrap a use as i began my falling... moving to the rhythm of ur very own thoughts standing before u... but i do not believe u see me lost in the wave of others flocking to earn ur truce... it's u that craws through my mind flipping switches n turning me on... n al i can think of is how i simply want more... for everything i have come to know points my passion ur way... n it would be a waste if i never had the chance to leaned in n kiss ur lovely face... yet, u seek what u dream of when the lights go out... having ur own fantasies clinging to the texture of ur well being wanting to be found... to know ur safe in arms that hold u in a forever sense of need... damn, what i would do to be close enough to u jus to feel u breathe... releasing all the luv hidden within to show u a different kinda freedom wiling to live n let live... for u i'd open up n allow the transformation to give u what you've missed... in a unique style where u can come out n be who u are... without the defense of a chilled n battered heart... ripping loose the edges formed to slice through hidden intents... i am as i come looking in ur direction hoping u notice i'm more than a moment spent...

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