Saturday, July 6, 2019

damn, how perfect...

felt deep as skin meets... touching to the press...
deeper to the roots nurtured... sinking into the chest...
feeling the comfort from the surface... pausing for a breath shared...
face to face cheeks make luv... beneath the expressions glare...
completion clams the mind... loosening life's ways...
reaching in to the feel... leaning to the motion of being saved... 
emotion awakens the closer hearts become...as one in moments alone...
believing there is an answer... accepting there's hope...
creating features to maneuver... shape shifting to show a worth...
feeling personal space invaded... enjoying all the lil smirks...
hearing heartbeats pulsate in rhythm... coming from within...
bringing use to be seen... reasoning with happiness wanting to live...
as hands glide... flowing with the curves...
fingers falling in further than desires... whole halves lurk...
from the outside wanting in... found is the depths of passion...
in tuned with trust... as smooth as the tenderness of actions...
allowing devotion to settle in... correcting mindsets...
lips form names... worries laid to rest...
becoming familiar with a friend... sighs float through the air...
freed to express what's been hidden... truths being the topic bared...
true intent through motion... opening the secret chambers...
doors fling to welcome luv... finally having no sense of danger...
peeks transform into stares... vividly witnessed as eyes connect...
gathering thoughts that linger... damn, how perfect...
chuckling... having a real purpose to invest...
wrapped up in desires peaking... soothing the reaction clings to nerves...
revived n coming forth as self... together giving this world the birds...

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