Sunday, July 21, 2019

depths of the clown...

when hiding behind smiles created outta thin air jus isn't cutting the cake... time seems to be a waste with empty nights making self believe in expressions forced upon the face... as the end nears closer in moments alone somewhere lost to the feeling of hope... struggling behind closed doors to find a chuckle in the silence that fills the emptiness of a home... hidden is the clown showing others how to laugh n make the best of every movement ever taken... mime like on the hush of words afraid to speak of truths forsaken... feeling life slip from memories never made... when sitting behind the scenes unravels in the eyes being the only thing that's gone untamed... no one can figure what truly is on the other side of doors jus wanting to live... so distant from the norm refusing to open up n give... the face changes when others are around as to pretend everything is ok... as it's jus so much simpler to avoid interactions n stay home where it's safe... alone being the choice that aches in the heart when no ones around... all along helping others find themselves n bringing the same joy lacked damn near never to be found... when emotion touches fresh air lies surface to be seen... as there's a purpose to hide even though the mind wants to be freed...

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