Wednesday, February 18, 2015

doubled up

doubled up n in luv with the same kinda woman.
forced to decide who's best stand with the gain.
split into two n pulled apart for a better cause.
which will accept me n help my own flaws?
enymenyminymo, to choose the rest of life.
ducky ducky ice cream, ones a loss in my mind.
steppin with n away from, all in the same sense.
what memories do I wanna make in my defense?
takin the lesser of confusion of wantin me.
either way its the end of someone's dreams.
set in my hands to lay one back down.
walkin away from my name released with their sound.
who will be lost more without me layin in empty arms?
the decision is a difficult ring of alarms.
in luv in both directions of the unknown.
n all I'm tryin to do is find a lil place called home.

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