to remain single as other's eyes jus don't grasp the content within... always looking up at the ceiling as days fade into the darkness lived... feeling joy in a different kinda freedom jus wanting someone to touch... fearing if fingerprints ever felt the vibe ever again it would end the resurrection of self running from luv... in a singular mindset one is dependent on thoughts creating joy outta thin air... as no one knows how to entertain another without emotions fuckin things up beyond repair... so the head to the feeling of retreat jus needing to have a lil mercy om the heart... done with the spinning days that never move with the confusion of a use to fall in n outta ever new start... the mind begs emotion to ease the empty distance settled in to the texture of hope... forcing thoughts to consider there might be jus one that doesn't mind being alone... locked into a mental mind frame twisted from realities grip... with a changed thought process that makes sense to a drifter so silent breaths cannot be heard from hushed lips... in a loners lifestyle determined to avoid simplicity wanting beneath the survival mode alive n awake... believing it's better to be hated than to be luv'd when friends aren't erected from a passerby with such a lovely face... n it's the vanity that kills the joy desperately attempting to sink into pores deeper than a shadow could ever reach depths... in a moment in time where the lack there of chaos is all that's left... getting along with a soothe that speak more truths than another ever spit words into open space to be caught by ears that take in the lies... as every time someone comes around to wanting to get behind enemy lines the question seeks the one answer of, why.?.
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