Friday, November 22, 2019

lookin for comfort...

help me understand my dreams aren't pitiful... n maybe one day u n i can be more then beautiful... given the fact that u understand having to look somewhere else... even though the letting go has occurred when the end was felt... in an afterlife somewhere in a wonder if the heart can find it's peace.. released from the mind living in the past drifting through dreams... tell me i'm not delusional as i have disbelief... scared of another touching me who wants to free the solitude from the seams... feel me so i know i'm no the broken one... trapped within with the interest in others hog tied to trust... having to count on me so my smile can perk the fuck up... relate n i jus might not run... for i cave in a moments notice when emotion comes to be seen... fearing a submission where self gets lost in passionate scenes... i need to know i ain't drifting off all alone... jus be real n open up n put down ur throne... show me something normal in the way i am... n a friend could be made by taking my hand... i'm lookin for comfort n i dunno where to turn... i've had enough of the solo act yet i don't know how to accept worth... nothing makes sense when i get close to another... i shut down n fade away as if i'm jus enjoying a luv'r... i ask u to show a lil bit more than i've witnessed prior to us meeting... for i haven't a care to gain an attachment getting ready for the leaving... hear me out n see if we're somewhat the same... lingering on through life not knowing where in the fuck chuckles are not burnt by passionate flames... blown out like the wind jus couldn't resist... put ur fingers on my lips n look me in the eyes when u speak through a real kiss...

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