Saturday, November 2, 2019

real attractions...

beautiful individuality speaks when genders are put aside... hustling to whatever needs to be done... met in the middle of getting it in no matter what needs to be learned... claiming the rights to the truth of the one... rounded out in life's twist where men n women havta play roles to get along... a single mind is what's attractive to details attending self for there's no limits to what one can do... setting aside rules that place others in categories of suppressed into a designed way to be... giving a use to the level of friendship where anything is time spent helping emotions move... free from the box wrapped up so neatly by societies control to define the differences of people going with the flow... drifting along shaking the head of why are so many afraid to be who they are to be without fingers pointing that jus do not matter... the purest thing known is to allow self to be able to do all n the above without chores claiming the mind... as a way of life is to take care of self as another adds to the same expectancy to live to the fullest of capabilities before time is shattered... gathering all the lost skills never set out to concur... real attraction is in the way of willingness to evolve from a trained aspect of do's n don'ts... opening a lazy mind so self doesn't havta depend on anyone holding in hand what self can do on our own... having a different kinda ease that helps with tasks where another can do the same as self who will never say won't... ready at any moment to truly grind with another up for a lil fun... in home or out in the cold the difference is the eagerness that comes with a full package having worth... turning likes into a luv... where actions speak louder than words...

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