Saturday, November 2, 2019

ends of friends...

friends can never follow relations once the emotion dies... there's way to much bs that comes up that forces a bitterness to resent the good times... overshadowed with the splitting on hearts released in palms... as it's parting ways to feel secure in arms where fingers jus don't have claws... lost to the happily ever after is a dead end wanting a new direction where their face doesn't exist... fighting off the memories long enough to get on with the sensitivity of a fresh set of lips... hoping if days come as slow as the rush is willing to wait it'll finally play out... in an outcome where a lifetimes rests on the only one to remain intact even when everything seems to go south... yet it's yet to see seen through eyes that can only make believe in such dreams... the distance always loses a luv'd on who's still alive n living doing what it is they do to keep away from the screams... knowing it wasn't worth the knowing of who we thought someone was... it's for the best to turn n find a different place to loosen to desires more than jus discussed... forced to try when an attempt is in the ease of a natural current flowing with the wind... people fade into the back of the mind for what's considered to be self finding that irresistible grin... awaiting someone who's willing to pull through it all n not once falsely speaking from depths... becoming more than another thought of what the fuck is left... as the possibility of it lasting is as rare as it coming true... witness to the ends of friends once again rest in the silence feeling the chalk outline drew...

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