Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jus be...

Sometimes the tongue wants to move to words to tell on emotions living in the moment... Then the thought of living up to what's heard pausing the movement of lips not ready for it... Relief sighs under breaths swallowing expression plucked from the smile... Able to jus be as is for a lil while... Hoping time doesn't elapse holding on to the heart eager to please... Wasting a chance trying to fugue out who's hands does the mind land in when the gates open freeing dreams... There are times sitting with the silence it feels so right... Like two twigs within are attempting to spark a flame on the muddle of the night... For the comfort's unspoken use remains hidden in a capsule deep in the core... Allowing friendz to evolve into desires wrapped up slowly wanting more... So the liver can decipher who it is eyes has latched on to... Due to strangers are a danger to the mental health tgat sowards seems to be abused... N yet, there's truth in motion noticed as conversions continues to relate... Getting on with life in a natural sense where proof can gradually accept a mate... Jus drifting along through the ins n outs of connections so needed to trust a gain... Listening for whispers crawling across pillows carrying ones name... In brief seconds recognition is found when actions are witnessed as a pure art... So if the tone is in no rush to cross lines too soon know it's a mature display of character wanting a genuine start...

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