Monday, November 11, 2019

No worries...

It'll stop... Wear off like everything else... As the pause lingers in nerves felt... Triggering yet another loss... Letting go of one noire attachment... Thoughts will rot... Forced to reevaluate interactions... Noticing in particular flaws... As the eyes are whipped free from a blur... Emotion settles in is own... Depending on self's definitive worth... Removing imaginary thrones... It'll rest once it hurts... After truths are known... Making it easier to rehearse the absurd... Self entitlements facing mirrors with hope... Chucking short lived thrills to the side... As if moments are the wind's cool breeze... Carrying interests through life... Separating wants from needs... The crave is only a phase... To come n go is all it can be... Changing the tones in which speak names... Happy to finally watch them leave...

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