Sunday, August 13, 2017

The wonder of a woman...

Ur not real... Ur a thought that fucks with my mind... There's a difference in between reality n fantasy that tells the feel... Ur not here in the movement of life... Running through my head making others here unable to compare... As if u could hold the candle to light the room from within my own imagination found... Ur type doesn't exist here in the flesh to be touched n tasted as if rare... I've been infiltrated by a dream from within that's tearin me apart from the inside out... There's no woman I've known that comes so perfectly wrapped... There for ur a fairytale as my resistance needs the norm of the feel to actually be felt through intensions that are more than my own... As the belief in such a female snaps... As only if you'd step outta the drift from where I tend to go... As the package u bring would be the end to the hide n seek game we all know all to well... I need not think of u if ur and cannot hold on to the intensity that lingers between us comin to life... So do tell... Why hide..? Bcuz ur like the wonder of a woman doin a super kinda man in... Able to somehow pull me away from the truth to be defeated by the false presence of a dream... As if that goody good only comes along at night to pretend to be meant... Makin the mornings a gasp of air hard to breathe...

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