Wednesday, October 13, 2021


When you look at them n an overwhelming crave creates a insatiable thirst to suck the flavor from their skin. As to feel them sigh n moan from lips crawling upon them with a grin somehow sinks in. With fingertips that memorizes their curves through a touch that possesses desires at their finest rush. Knowing the best of them is below the surface where lusts dig to transform into the presence of luv. Pulling self in further than deep can ever rub her g-spot as acceptance is earned with every movement of truth. As emotions come to life in the mingle of of sexualities foreplay to become closer than thoughts can imagine a use. Feeling trembles in their shivers provoked by caresses barely stroking nerves exposed in free wills satisfaction. When all it takes is to witness them move as the eyes follow the physical details of them swaying as a lovely distraction...

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