Saturday, May 2, 2020

Far from home...

As we rest with the engines idling wanting more... We give the road a moment of silence for its back by our tires is worn... We sleep as we straggle in one at a time... Far from home n missing out on a normal life... Yet when our eyes awaken come morning's call... It's the money that spins like wheels turning in our minds hoping to see a new dawn... One where luv'd ones faces aren't so strange to sights leaving the pavements alone... N as the truck shakes with a vibe it rocks full grown babies to sleep as we miss home... Lined up night after night for weeks... Crammed into stops along the way for our own selfish greed... Sacrificing family for wealth to roam freely with the scenery most will never enjoy... From small towns to big cities there's paper to be earned to fill the void... To gain a better life left on a horizon in the mirrors reflection... Giving what we have to a trade demanding perfection... N on nights where the smell of rain lingers to soothe the beast... We rest for a dusk will rise to be claimed that doesn't come cheap... As down the highways n the backroads we drift as we drive... Thinking about that one turn that takes us back to our families waiting with grins that shine... In the stillness of thoughts we think is this as good as it gets... There's a choice in how one chooses to live... To wander around from here to there able to take in the beauty outside the city limits... With images embedded in the head that are so very vivid... Just rolling at will looking for a good bite to eat... Knowing a home cooked meal would be so fuckin sweet...

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