Sunday, May 17, 2020


At one point life was with every moment in the living... Ever since it's been to hard to bare for there's not much to be given... It wah like being at the top with lung to spare in the heart... N anymore it's what the fuck do people expect when touching old scars... Once there was peace befor the chaos came along... N now the silence jus wishes other would get lost... From the heights of smiles raissed to peaks seen for days to come that are never alone... Down to the belly of the pits where nowhere ever feels like home... It used to be there was a joy that was as free as the air we breathe... Though that all changed when reality was a struggle to be redeemed... After being touched by a worth that made everything make so much more sense... The end result lingers in the swamps refusing to pretend... Knowing the better days have come n gone asf if time is shortly lived... There's a diffetent kinda chuckle in the way names are shaped upon the lips... From a prior emotion that believed in others... The myth formed its own tale where the loneliness can only be comforted by acts of random luv'rs... Damn the though of how passion consumed desires wanting to play... Due to all that's left is fear of what could be if self ever did escape... Remembering the foolishness that spread like a virus through the chest... Back then is where usefulness have it's best... Altered into the makings of a solo act running scared... There's no hope to ever allow the sensitivities to be bared... Things were simple once upon a time ago... So fuck it if u must know...

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