Monday, May 27, 2019

to the ends with it...

it feels the same way it did back when i had no one... always locked up behind closed doors spending too much time alone... n i wonder why the memories haunt me everyday... even though i can't seem to find what creates a smile upon my face...  the feeling hasn't change from when i laid next to someone who wasn't with me in reality... only thing missing is their body as it used to be the first thing to fuck up my dreams...as this solitude is the one irritation i resent the most... missing out on life that's goin by while i sit here n laugh at fb posts... wanting to shut it down but there's a lil joy to make others smile... so i entertain myself for i need some sort of lifestyle... when i need to accept the fact there's more than one person out there waiting on someone like me to appear... so why can't i loosen p n step out with intent to truly mingle with something real.?.

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