Thursday, May 9, 2019

behind closed doors...

as good as life seems, it's jus not great...
sitting behind closed doors is the hiding of the face...
shit got boring some time ago as a smile has been worn...
creating an illusion of comfort knowing self wants more...
happy with the peace yet not free to be who is within...
as the gestures in expressions are felt by grins...
alone in solitude changes the minds way of thinking...
down to the basics of a presence cuddled n dreaming...
missing the smell thrown from another's body late at night...
pressed against the soothe that releases sighs...
days go by where freedom is listening to the wind...
when it's a voice craved to jus talk as self is still willing to live...
taking the opposing lifestyles n picking them apart...
it's nice to hear the silence yet, it empties the fuckin heart...
n after so long the feel catches up to the thoughts scattered through time...
somewhat lost to the wants of needs healed to relate to a reason of why...
to allow the guard to drop n give a lil to gain a friend...
for jus moments to be remembered as a lil interest spent...
as faces in the crowd are all strangers lookin around...
the question comes about of who if craved would fit the now...
capturing the creativity of the imagination to attend the curiosities thrill...
quietly yet observant to lifestyles mingling to what could possible be real...
even though the tongue is as hush as the approach of movement to let someone know...
the same image floats in the dome creating a lil place called home...
unseen by eyes is the happiness lifting spirits bouncing off walls...
sound carrying laughter throughout the remainder of life as into emotion a friendship falls...
secretly the visions fade into the darkness behind closed doors...
awaiting another day to see if anything changes in the way feelings are to be explored...

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