Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the confusion others cause...

looks turn into attractions that lead to convo... as the meeting wants to touch jus before the sex is so good the more is on the slow roll... getting to know someone wanting to be a friend... the outta nowhere they cannot have it as fast as they crave causing an end... n somewhere in the mix the confusion comes back around... as the head shakes due to the rush isn't given emotions wanting to be found... seems maturity's holding out wing through the weakened minds as their hearts play to loose... damn near demanding the attention as a constant feel of energy as time moves... it's like the attachment is forced to open to the newness of a body reaching for what words say relations ain't what they're lookin for... causing confusion in eyes that wonder why in the fuck people drag false intentions across the floor... like a shadow following them into the nights where comforts get close enough to reside... changing the agreements of the understandings that no ones wanting expectations or promises of depths to be exposed in the miscommunication of lines... thn outta nowhere the situation finds questions that assume thoughts getting the best of ones need... stares crawl upon the face... body tingles to be felt in ways hands bring other ligaments to serve desires lit by flames... as the cling tugs on the thrill of having someone to have around to play with... failing to keep distance as the head shakes in the disbelief of how others jus cannot keep straight with their lips... demanding within so many syllables it takes to make the level of a friendship be dismissed... crossing boundaries as no limits was a sexual experience so the tingle didn't havta go without... as the silence returns to mute moans with the lack of sound...

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