Friday, May 24, 2019

it's jus the way it goes...

people either been played so much or allowed themselves to believe is others that ain't as real as they say that they think ur the same way... jus stay in ya lane n keep doin u by knowing how broken people fade away as u continue to step with character due to like others, u ain't the one trying to save face... it ain't ur duty to correct their twisted intuitions the way it questions ur existence with expressions the debate of belief in words spoken to relate... keep ya grace n know ya name ain't for tongues so quick to talk shit of how everyone's on games... some things ain't a gain as not everyone can exchange truths made as self comin from within to play... as taking the blame of others actions ain't urs to claim nor explain what some can not see in plain sight feelin rearranged...
be real with self, no one will ever believe u anyways...

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