to lay still in a moment n jus hold on... listening to the silence n feeling the comfort of wanting more... relaxed n felt as the head rests on another so soft... as hands rub thy head with fingertips reaching from palms... motionless in contentment as even sighs hush briefly to drift away... put to sleep by sinking into the luv shared by a friend whispering thy name... oh the depths that open in the seconds it takes that soothes the beast... to get lost in the arms of worth truly freed... as the skin connects passion surfacing to live... to be seen in a state of ease only the eye can witness as the emotional give... as the wall crumbles to fingerprints stroking a caress to get beneath the shell... simply kicked back n in tune with the chosen one that defines the melt... damn near hypnotized by their sensitivity moving slowly along the nerves... at peace with the none mentioning of useless words... laying in a position that speaks through actions so gently the smile fades into the night... yeah, that's the life...
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