Monday, July 9, 2018

In a drunken state of mind...

I found my head in my hands as a mixture of tears fell from my eyes... Knowing it was the alcohol that twisted the fuck outta my mind... Sitting still as thoughts carelessly drifted away with her face... Damn I wish I could go back to that first shot to avoid the sound of her name... Memories flooded my heart as the void caught up to the feel of moving on... It was the first time I dipped I. To see what it was as I jus let loose due to the booze that stirred up the early morn... Happy bday to me dripped from my lip as the absence was unreal... I've healed in my moment to overcome life rollin solo as I slowly peeled... N it's not that I wanted to do it all over again, it's jus, there things in this world we come across that are truly unique in the way they're felt... In my drunken sobriety reality kicked in n the past woke up to nothing being left of the way my heart melts... It was bare to the minimum of need as wants shook off the irrelevance of luv... I sat alone n in the dark listening the silence that surrounded the meaning of hush... It was the liquor pulling on me the way I knew it would for I do not drink bcuz that's where the sorrow tastes the poison engulfing the fuel burning images one at a time... Knowing when I was to awaken it failed n was unable to get to me for I found strength in what's truly mine... As I laughed bcuz it doesn't faze me no more when she crosses the emptiness left to deal with the characters tryin to have a crack at me... I jus laid back n adjusted to the aftermath for it couldn't break me no more as I knew in that split second, I am free...

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