Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The space in between...

Comfy on the connection where touch becomes immune to the feel of a friend loosening up for a moment to relax... Feeling them close as the space in between is filled with the need to cling to them as if a climax... Cuddled up to the stillness that breaks barriers in the hearts open pages to be written for keeps... Wanting nothing more than to lay motionless for a lil while to enjoy the way they feel to the ease... Thinking please do not move an inch due to the position of bodies that jus don't in to the mood... As the never ending safety net is claimed to be as free as the emotion within the room... Catering to the satisfaction of an other pressed against the tenderness that reaches for more... Falling to the sighs comin to life as luv tangles in the middle of pour... Filling the space in between with a resolution with a subtle kinda passion accepting what it can hold on to as real... Behind closed doors it's a sealed deal where temptation peals... Find layers beneath the shell craving to lean on to what will never leave... The mind n body relates to the physical aspect of trust relying on the confirmation of yes it's u I've waited to meet... Snuggled up n goin under the terms n conditions of pushing air from the space in between us... Put to sleep in the blink of an eye as questions find answers settled in n flush...

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