Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Bcuz I can... Choose my life... Isn't that what u do.?. Hide.!. Decide what's best for self... Get caught up in your own lil madness of what you've allowed... Or shall I say unable to tell your heart no... It's not jus me... Seeking that feel of home... Yeah I'm able to do at I please... I've made no commitments... Other than to make sure some shit never happens again... So no I don't hold u accountable... Is not u I resist... It's my own heart... I listen to my thoughts that think that know me... Don't go acting like u don't... See through the bs like the wind through the trees... Pointing fingers isn't nice... N hypocrites aren't liked... Time only finds the mirror closing in... Jus be honest with what's goin in inside... Fake isn't an attractive feature... Not the reason to try n for in... I'm the same as you... I jus wanna live... Be who it is I am... Felt beyond the physical boundaries of bodies banging until flush... I can make up my mind for myself... N I know when I'm looking at luv...

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