Saturday, June 9, 2018


If the alignment of the click came walking by n I couldn't resist myself to open up to feel the chuckle in my very own rib as level minds of well rounded kicks jump from hearts...
I'll open up to luv tryin to get in to see if smiles could possibly remain stuck to the expressions showering eyes with stares that cannot get enough resembling a work of art...
When the ends meet n freaks come from within to trust there is no other for actions step up craving the need to be felt as bodies can breathe...
It's lifestyles that are matched n maturities known that find differences in a word like free having two meanings as emotion tends to lean...
Finding depths surfaces to take hands to walk further than even friends can last for there's been a few that hasn't made it to those point in my life...
As surrounds inflict judgement of character in mindsets that influence the thought process taken in to consideration to be able to come together.  
Becoming more than luv'rs in a chance to reason with the facts that accepts luv in true form isn't blind to there's no such thing as forever...
It'll take a real individual who can maintain on the balance of being who in the fuck they are without all the goody ignorance so many carry with them like wow.!.
There is no settling for I know what will not work for me here in the middle of this wait as I'm patiently living the only way I know how...
I'm jus me watching interest roll off of tongues that do not align with what I have moving forward...
No one knows me more than I do so self is responsible for who is allowed in to the petty pickiness I must place on the table for anything less is a waste of time n an eventual bore...
Real is a way of life n the majority refuse to gather themselves to be someone an other can't seem to ever wanna go without...
That's the one even I look up to hopefully see every now n again so relations have that moment of clarity as the vibe calls out...

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