Corrupted by passion that turned in to pain... Best friends faces always seem to change... Left with a feel that stops the heart... Jus after the moment of being everything good to chrispy n chard... Shattered emotions eventually heal after the break... N others don't understand why it's so hard to open up to their terms n condition of a false fate... Goin from one luv to the next... Claiming every new go around is the ultimate best... So out there anyone has a chance... N then get lost when they lose their biggest fan... The hurry n tears are self inflicted by choice... Jus wanting to be felt by something other than that aching void... As life changes realities like pages flip for ink to spill... Damn near becoming words telling a story that repeats from pure will... Digging in to find a friend that gets self like no other... Yet on board with being more than jus the average luv'r... Life moves as shape shifters lose interest in seriously wants that plead... Willing to please for a while until the ride isn't as honest as they lead us to believe... Drowing as a metaphor does to exaggerate purpose... Forgetting people come n go until one sucks around long enough so feelings aren't so worthless... Holding mirrors accountable so eyes cannot hide the twist gained to become more... Something we all need to strengthen the mind always on tour...
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