Tuesday, June 15, 2010

stormy nights

hollow nights full with thunder n lightnin,
rain spills like tears from an invisible fountain.
poured down 2 awaken the dark in which i lay,
givin silence 2 the sound of a long hard day.
booms n crackles of fury fill the skies,
as i lay here with the thought of walkin in its pellets on my mind.
pingin the windows like hale 2 remind me i am all but alone,
yet i lay here naked n beside myself feelin like no1.
as flashes bounce off thy pupils n i see my shadow for i can not sleep,
drippin from the gutters i think i sprung a leek.
n it seems trickles of water drops fall from the rooftop,
with sumtin tells me this storm knows my name with every bloop n blop.
left talkin 2 the purple flashes plucked from the blackened sky,
n i can smell the pain in which it can not attempt 2 hide.
with each crisp crash, bang, n bolt i feel its need,
2 let everyone hear its beggin pleads.
deep in2 the depths of the beast im findin 1 can find a comfortin shy,
pleasin an over whelmin cravin 2 melt in its rumblin cries.
with one wiff of its cold cool breeze this thing is flooding my world,
together becomin as one it sings n im tucked in my blanket all snuggled n curled.

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