Friday, March 20, 2020

Is it an illusion.?.

The wonder crosses the mind of how you'd like to live out the rest of ur life... As the curiosity drifts with thoughts of have u had enougb of going without a reason of why... Are u yet to miss the hyoe of emotiin rushing through ur heart's free will.?. The question comes to me when i think of u sitting alone so dustant from the thrill... Creating a sense of interest hidden away from the naked eyes... I look at u n can't believe u feel the way i do living without sighs... Confronting any n all that wanna touch more than the skin... A nonbeliever in luv if like isn't a factor that shapes the grin... I drift in daydreams of how the details of a friendship could possibly meet at both ends... Having what it takes on the middle of whatever we'd wanna call it as a truce is lent... With so much time that's passed feeling only self in our own comfort nice n safe... The image of u taking a peek at me jus to ask me my name... I get a lil beside myself knowing I'm content with the way things for me are turning out... Though i wanna give into someone at some point who can relate to common grounds... As the solitude is a piece of who I've cine to be... Only to exchange it for something as real as an indivudual who enjoys it here in reality... Do u ever contemplate to open up to an other but find yourself unable to.?. Like ur waiting on something different that clicks n makes sense of the interaction as ur desire of hope is put to use... Maybe I too am patient to the fact that want what i want... To be felt the way I'm willing to give to a friend in which i give my luv... Are we the same on levels of truths can live as is.?. Allowing the details of who we are mingle together even in a sexual crave that isn't as normal as some regular kiss... Though i may never know due to like u I'm afraid to speak... So caught within myself where it doesn't hurt as much as losing another so called need...

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